

I am Samira the palm reader.

For over 20 years, I have practiced palm reading. Palm reading began in Eurasia and is connected to the cultures of India, Tibet, China, Persia, Samaria, and even Babylonia.

The lines on your left palm hold a myriad of stories about your odyssey and I can reveal them to you. Allow me to read your palm.

Choose your readings

palm with lines highlighted
Love & Relationships
Only $2
The heart line reveals insights about a person's emotional nature, and relationships.
palm with lines highlighted
Health & Wealth
Only $4
The life and fate lines are two major lines. They reflect physical vitality, career success, and life events
palm with lines highlighted
Full Palm Reading
Only $5
A reading of all the lines: heart, head, life, fate, sun, and mercury. As well as the mounts and shape.